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  • 4 Tips to Creating a "Vision Board" that WORKS! #FutureBoards

    4 Tips to Creating a "Vision Board" that WORKS! #FutureBoards How to make a vision board that WORKS! #futureoard success, start manifesting your dream life! The point of a #FutureBoard is not to manifest a sports car or a stack of cash, like a traditional "vision board," it’s to intentionally design and create your ENTIRE dream future life. It's the ultimate #LifePlan. Like an architect remodeling an old building, mapping out each area, room by room, creating a blueprint for a whole new masterpiece. That’s what makes a vision board magical because it’s the physical representation of the life you’ve carefully and thoughtfully redesigned. You have the power to create your destiny; these four simple steps will help you do exactly that. Step 1: The Audacity to Dream. Learning how to dream can be surprisingly difficult for most of us in the beginning. It goes against our very nature, it feels foolish and ridiculous at first, but it’s a critical first step to success. A great way to get this process started is to create an extensive, all-inclusive #LiveList. This is essentially a list of everything you would like to do or experience in your lifetime. I love this exercise because it forces you to visually walk through your life and imagine what it could be. Resist at all costs, the urge to be “realistic”. This is a dream list, it’s not bound by your current situation, it’s not an action plan that you need to budget for, it is free from all those constraints. If it helps, call it a “fantasy list”, or your “what if” list. On this list, all things are possible; there are no boundaries, no limits, no expiration dates. Step 2: Create a Movie In Your Head. Now that you’ve created a bucket list and started imagining all the things you want to DO, in your lifetime, it's time to narrow it down for your vision board. Pick a quiet spot, grab your note pad and write out these five categories as bullets: 1. Relationships 2. Wealth & Abundance 3. Mind & Body 4. Passions & Joy 5. Career Next, create a movie in your head about each category; one filled with so much detail you can see it every time you close your eyes. To start, imagine your “dream life” five years from now, one where the money is no object, and anything is possible. Pick a day in your future life and begin creating your movie from the time you get up in the morning. Answer these questions: What does your home look like? Who wakes up with you? What are you wearing? You have your dream job, but what is it? What car do you drive? What role do friends and family play in this future life? Your future self takes vacations, so where have you just come back from or heading to? What has having wealth and financial freedom enabled you to do? What do you look like? You’ve focused on your personal passion, so what’s that outcome look like? This step is so important because it’s laying the foundation in your mind, that this is your future reality. You’ve transitioned from a “what if” list, into a day in your future life. Putting your focus and intention on that is the magic. It’s the feeling of living a fulfilled, successful, blessed, happy life in every area, which sets manifesting in motion. Now, go over each bullet and fill in the details, from the movie you just created. Example: Family and Relationships: In your new life you’re married and have several close friends, maybe you have a child, etc. List each desire out under that category. Do this for every category with as much detail as possible. Step 3: Get to Work! Now it's time for the fun to begin! I like to start on Pinterest making a board for all five categories. Pinterest has the most beautiful pictures of the life you want to create, whatever that looks like for you. I love it because the photos tell a story. My “dream house” board looks so cozy, I can easily imagine myself unwinding with a glass of wine in the living room, or looking in the beautiful kitchens. In other words, you’re looking for pictures that visually and physically tell the story of your mental movie as accurately as possible. Remember we are looking for images that express our future life, its feel, its energy, its emotion. When you look at the pictures, they should trigger an emotional attachment which plays your movie, enabling you to mindlessly, and happily daydream about it. So it’s not about a random picture of a sports car, it’s finding a picture that best describes what type of car, or bag or shoes, or house, you'll have in your super-successful future life. Example: A picture of an engagement ring, represents the desire to be engaged and in a happy healthy relationship. When you look at it, you’re not thinking; I want that exact ring, you’re thinking about the day the love of your life asks you to marry him. Making Your Board Once you have pictures representing your dreams for each category, print out your favorites. Grab a glass of wine, put on some fun music and enjoy the process like a little kid. Artfully arrange your pictures on a large cork-board, making a section for each category. Keep going until your board is completely full and represents your future life. Then HANG IT UP! Put it in a place where you will see it every day, all day if possible. Put it on your desk at work, hang it on your bedroom wall. Every time you see it you are invoking the magic and creating your future. Step 4: Believe in Magic! By now there is a part of you that already believes in this magic. Along the way, you’ve had to silence the voices in your head at each step that told you this was insane. But you did it, and by doing so, you’re on your way to seeing results. The other part of you wants to ask; how is any of this possible for me? Lucky for you, that’s not a question you need to worry about, as crazy as it sounds. You do not control the how or the when. You only control your steadfast belief that this is your new future, and when the time is right each of these pieces will be drawn to you. By displaying your board you’re acting on that faith, and every time you look at it and play your movie, you are solidifying that belief Much of belief, in the beginning, is simply faking it, until it feels real. Speak it into existence even if you don’t fully buy-in yet, pretend you do. Begin talking about your new future, what it will feel like the day you realize your dreams. Keep your focus there. Don’t ever say “if”, say “when.” Claim your future. Go about your life expressing gratitude as if it’s guaranteed because it is. The magic begins to happen over time when you’re not even paying attention, but one day you’ll wake up and actually BELIEVE it, in every fiber of your being. Often your manifestations come quietly, unexpectedly and from a source, you’d never expect. Stay aware and grateful and you’ll be there to receive them. And before long you’ll wake up and be smack dab in the middle of one of those experiences you so carefully envisioned, and you’ll have a Deja vu feeling… and then you’ll remember; I have been here before, only this time it’s my reality. Those are the moments I live for, and have experienced over, and over again. Nothing feels as amazing or joyous as that moment when you’re living out the life you created. Click to see some of my Pinterest #futureboards and what I've manifested using my Centrella Method. To make your Futureboard using my methods, grab a copy of my book Futureboards and the FREE companion journal. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Five Reasons Why You Should Write New Year's Resolutions

    Five Reasons Why You Should Write New Year's Resolutions It's that time of year again, the countdown is on until the clock strikes midnight and a brand new year begins. It's my favorite time to reflect on the previous year and chart my course for the new one. I've been writing my New Year's Resolutions since I was a teen and it's been amazing to see over the years, how those resolutions have turned into goals and dreams that have been realized. This is the perfect time to set your intentions for what 2018 will bring. As I look back over the past several years, I can trace my success in any given year, to the effort I put into defining, visualizing, and writing my goals and dreams at the start of each year. Did you accomplish your goals in 2017? Can you look through this past year and say with honesty, that it was one you are proud of? One where you put your plans, dreams, and ambitions on the front burner and got closer to living them? If so, congratulations! If not, why? What prevented you from setting and reaching your goals? Take some time to reflect and get these answers because you don't want the same thing to happen again this year. We are all given limited time on this earth, shouldn't we spend it pursuing, and LIVING our dreams? My 5 reasons why you should write your resolutions now, to insure you start making them a reality in 2018: 1. Writing down your goals is a PROVEN way to help you realize them. It's such a simple thing really, the act of taking a thought and putting it down on paper, but its power can't be underestimated. NOTE: By "writing" your goals, I mean: go pick up a pen and a notepad and WRITE them (don't type them). There is a difference. Writing takes more thought, it uses different muscle memory and parts of our brain that we might not use much these days, all of that works in your favor, helping you get even clearer on what you want. 2. Be specific. The clearer you are about what you want the better your chances are of making it happen. Example: DON'T write: "lose weight." DO write: "My goal is to finish 2018 x lbs. lighter. To accomplish this I have a daily activity goal of.... (insert a reasonable goal you can accomplish every day), and I commit to drinking x glasses of water and eating xyzzy." You get the idea. The more detailed you can be the better. This helps you hold yourself accountable to these smaller, daily actions which will enable you to reach the larger goal. 3. Aim high, plan realistically. Set goals that inspire you, ones where you'll feel amazing once they have been accomplished, but don't forget that in order to achieve them you'll need a realistic action plan. Example: If your resolution is to have x amount of money in your savings account by the end of the year.... DON'T just write: "Save X$ by the end of the year." DO write: My yearly savings goal is X$, I plan to accomplish this by opening a new savings account that does not have 'auto-transfer' abilities, and direct deposit x$ (a figure that won't be missed too much each paycheck). If you run the math and that contribution amount won't come close to your goal, make your goal more realistic. 4. Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals for your resolutions. I think the reason why many people don't write down their resolutions at the start of each year is that they don't want to feel guilty if they don't follow through. Avoid this, by setting small goals that you'll have the power to achieve. Break them down into daily, weekly, and monthly milestones so you can hold yourself accountable and can easily get back on track if you slip. Sometimes it's easier knowing that getting fit can start with something as simple as walking an extra 1,000 steps a day, rather than setting a goal of "do cardio 5 times a week." 5. Make sure your goals resonate with who you are and what you want. I think many times people write goals they have no chance of achieving, ones that they might not even care about, just because it sounds good. This leads to that previously mentioned guilt at not accomplishing them. So, make resolutions and set goals that truly mean something to you. Bonus tip: Keep a nightly journal. I know it seems like a lot of extra work, but again the act of handwriting something helps us clear our minds and keep our focus strong. Finally, be kind to yourself. If you slip up just brush it off and come back more determined the next day, starting right back on that daily plan. Be sure to write down your wins and your disappointments. There is no better way to see how far you've come than to read in your own words, where you started. Here's to accomplishing our goals and living our dreams in the New Year! Check out the chapter on how to set effective goals in my new book All the Things I Wish I Knew. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Why Companies are Using Vision Board Workshops to Empower and Motivate Employees #Futureboards

    Why Companies are Using "Vision Board" Workshops to Empower and Motivate Employees with the #Futureboards Method. These days companies of all sizes are looking for new ways to inspire, empower, and motivate their employees in a way that is positive, morale-boosting, and mutually beneficial for the company, co-workers, and the employee, and often turn to "vision board" workshops. Forget old-school vision board workshops they are so 90's. Don't waste your company's time doing the same tired vision board workshops we were making 20 years ago. No one needs a picture of a taco on their wall, let's get real. Gone are the days of spending hundreds of dollars on magazines, and hours looking at random crap you don't want or need. That's what we did BEFORE WE KNEW BETTER. The concept of traditional "vision boarding" (essentially a college board filled with magazine clippings of random material things and words), has been around in corporate sales teams for many years. In fact, my former boss had our team make a "magazine goal board" back in 2004 in my first corporate sales job. But, like everyone else on my team, nothing ever manifested off those boards. Her intentions might have been good, but the exercise was essentially pointless because there was no lasting motivation, or results. Then in 2008, my world exploded when I discovered my husband's affair. At the time I'd been a stay-at-home mom for over two years, we had 13-month-old twin daughters and a five-year-old son. We'd just lost our house in foreclosure and filed for bankruptcy, so this news landed like a bomb, destroying everything in my life. It took me several months to find a job, and when I did it came with a starting salary that barely covered rent and daycare. I was starting from the bottom in every possible way, including in my career, cold calling in a closet cubicle for my new inside sales job. Things were so bleak back then that I began creating an alternate universe in my mind, one where I was successful, living my dream life, becoming my best self, and showing my kids the world. This fantasy made me so happy, that one day I decided to find all the pictures that went with it, hoping it would inspire me to keep dialing through all the "no's." That was my very first #futureboard. I had no expectations, especially considering I knew the "vision board" I'd made before never worked, but honestly, I didn't care. It made me happy to look at it while I made my calls, it gave me hope that things would get better, and over time... it created a BURNING desire within me to make it happen. Within 18 months my first #futureboard came to life! I went from a newly single mom on food stamps to a Director of Business Development. Over the next several years as I rose up the corporate ladder to VP of Sales, my income 5x, I traveled the world with my kids, wrote a best-selling book, started my own company, and am living a life I'd once only dreamed about. (READ MY STORY) Since then, I've been teaching tens of thousands of people across the globe, how to do what I have done. Because you see... I DID NOT MAKE A VISION BOARD. I made a #futureboard, and trust me, THEY ARE NOT the same thing! Without even realizing it, I'd tapped into how you self-created INTERNAL MOTIVATION. How you take static goals, and scary sales quotas and turn them into the big life moments and once-in-a-lifetime experiences we dream of. And this is why companies like Nike, Sony, Verizon, Pinterest, Xerox, and many others hire me to teach their employees and sales teams how to do the exact same thing. Unlike the olden days of pointless vision board workshops, today we know better, and companies want their employees to GET RESULTS. They want to offer cutting-edge tools from the expert who created the method. They want tangible ROI, and let me tell you my #futureboards workshops and team training, deliver astounding results. Why? Because employees are learning the skills and tools to motivate themselves with their personal dreams, and nothing is a greater motivation than that. Think about it for a minute... Imagine not having to push your sales team, or hound your employees to get motivated. What if the energy at your company was positive, motivated, excited, and driven to excellence? Imagine your employees understanding the importance of a success mindset, and what if they knew HOW to get it, and began achieving things they never dreamed they could? Imagine they understood that having a healthy work-life balance makes them BETTER in every area of their life, including work. What if they knew the value of having a healthy mind and body, and spent time doing things they loved that allowed them to de-stress, connect, feel passionate, and fulfilled? What if they had all the tools, knew how to use them, and got fast results? That would make them EMPOWERED, right? What if you, as a leader, knew how to cultivate this? How unstoppable would your team be? How massively successful would your business be? That is what I teach. And it WORKS. What I teach is intentional, custom for every participant and proven to deliver results, unlike the old vision board workshops. 3 Reasons Why Companies Use #FutureBoard Workshops to Motivate Teams and Increase Productivity. 1. When an employee is happy, motivated, fulfilled, positive, driven, and passionate about their life, that massively impacts their work performance and job satisfaction. But HOW do you achieve this? Employers know that there is more to life than work, but they need their employees to show up every day with a passion for their job as if it's the most important part of life. So, how do you effectively foster both attitudes? How do you encourage a fulfilling work-life balance? Answer: You tie them both together. My vision board workshops teach employees how to look at their life in the big picture; how to define and focus on their future as opposed to where they are today. This mentality encourages them to dream big, which by default translates to them wanting to do better at work so they can begin achieving these newly defined dreams and advancing their career through improved performance. 2. Sometimes employers need a little help motivating and coaching employees to succeed. We've all worked with people who are self-starters, personally motivated, and as a result, are "climbing the ladder." But we've also worked with team members who just don't seem to get it. They need to be coaxed and prodded but do have the other skills needed to be successful. The question sales managers struggle with is how do you get them to become SELF-MOTIVATED. Answer: You teach them how to discover their potential and possibilities based on what matters to THEM. Most people who lack self-motivation, do so because they lack belief and imagination that it could be possible for THEM. This is the reason why dangling large commission structures as the "carrot" for sales teams, doesn't work for everyone. But what happens when that same employee starts translating those dollar amounts into how it will practically change their life. Will they finally be able to buy that house? Take that vacation? Get their kid to a better school? What does that money MEAN to them? And I know what you're thinking, "people do that now." But here's the truth, they don't. I promise you, they really don't. I've coached people of all backgrounds and all income levels for over a decade, and let me tell you, it's extremely rare to come across someone who knows how to translate set a vision for the future that looks nothing like their current reality. People don't imagine what's possible, they think about what is. But, when you teach them why it matters and the skills to create their ideal future life, it's amazing how it changes everything. 3. Companies want to improve morale and support growth and mental health. Having your team go through a futureboard workshop is a unique bonding and connecting experience unlike any other. It provides a safe space for employees to dream together, say their goals out loud and get the tools needed to turn those aspirations into reality. Its an investment in the employees mental wellbeing that is mutually beneficial for the company. The tools I teach corporate teams, both in my small cohort coaching and my workshops, foster positive mindset, connection, and work-life synergy. I provide the tools and strategies for employees to change or up-level any part of their life. If you are lucky enough to have someone on your team with a positive attitude, who's driven, is always hustling, and wanting to be their very best, then you can only imagine what it would be like if the rest of your team learned how to access the same internal motivation, mindset and had a proven action plan to achieve their goals. If you are looking for the HOTTEST TREND in personal development, a method with PROVEN RESULTS, delivered with REAL TOOLS, designed to EMPOWER your team, taught by the master and creator of the method (me!), then I'd love to chat! As the Founder and CEO of VIVIAMO I help companies implement proven personal development tools through coaching employees and corporate teams. TO LEARN MORE about my custom #futureboards Workshops and set up a booking consultation to see how I can empower your team with the tools they need to custom build their future success and a life they love. Wanna book me to speak at your next event? Motivational Keynote Speaker. Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • How to Write Your Life Plan Story to Manifest Your Dream Life

    How to Write Your Life Plan Story to Create Your Dream Life. The following is an example of how to write your #LifePlan Story which is part 1 of the homework for step 4 of my Centrella Method, from my book Hustle Believe Receive, the chapter titled WriteIT. I believe strongly in the power of our words, thoughts and what we write down, to predict our future. The last time I wrote my #LifePlan in 2011, it manifested with such accuracy that it’s almost spooky! So I am putting this new plan out into the Universe to expedite these dreams becoming my reality and sharing my #LifePlan 2.0 with you. This is my personal Life Plan Story written Aug 17, 2017. "It’s 2022, summer is drawing to a close as I sit in this comfy leather recliner looking out my window as Venice draws ever closer below, peeking out between the clouds and the blinding rays of a glorious sunrise. I’m smiling from every corner of my being, how could I not? It’s VENICE! And I’m arriving on a private jet, after sleeping in a bed all night as we crossed the ocean. How could I not be flying high (pun intended) right now?! Life is such a beautiful blessing, and this moment oozes with the kind of joy I experienced six years ago when the kids and I landed in Venice for the first time. Italy does that to me, fills my entire being with exploding joy, love, and utter happiness I glance around the plane, Kanen (now 19) is still sleeping, chair reclined. He’s such an amazing human. I can’t help but feel such pride in him for finishing his first year of college with good grades and fulfilling his lifelong dream as a college athlete, on scholarship no less! He’s happier then I’ve ever seen him, growing into the man I always knew he would be; capable, worldly, independent and kind. The girls, Mira and Izzy (now 15) are taller than me, smarter, and more ready to take on the world then I ever was at their age. They’ve navigated those pre-teen years and we’ve remained close (thank God!) they are doing great in high school, good grades and active in anything they can take part in. It’s such fun to watch them transform into strong, independent and intelligent beautiful young women. Lisa (my lifelong best friend) is sitting across from me and we’re both staring out the window in utter amazement, our hearts beating with girlish enthusiasm. We’ve waited for this day our entire lives, since we were children, dirt poor and homeless dreaming of a big beautiful life. And now here it is, us finally experiencing Italy together, soul sisters on this incredible journey. We turned 47 this year, how fast time flies! But we’re both in such an amazing place, feeling younger than ever! I’m so grateful to be healthy and finally in truly great shape. I’ve never felt fitter or sexier, it really is possible to get better with age! I think of the long journey that has brought me to this moment. Of all the struggles I’ve endured to get here, all the setbacks and heartache. In the end it is what makes us who we are, isn’t it? It’s what gives us the drive to not give up on our dreams and not abandon our calling. There were so many times I wanted to give up. So many hardships that seemed impossible to overcome. But losing my job in 2017 turned into the greatest blessing, it pushed me to do what fear had previously prevented, start my company. Become my own boss. Live my dream. I’m so grateful that I was able to turn that scary transition into the company that has now surpassed my wildest expectations. It started as my personal coaching company and has become so much more, now employing over 100 women, and empowering people around the world to embrace their greatness and live their dreams. To think I came so close to turning my back on writing sends a chill through me. Thank god that giving up is not in my nature, and that I fought for my second book as hard as I fought for the first. That I stood strong and remained true to my story and the belief in what it could become, because it’s far exceeded those meager dreams. My memoir has remained on the NYT best-seller list for four years straight, reaching that mark in the first three months of its release. The story has been translated into languages around the world and its inspiring people, imagine that! It’s become a movie and now a hit TV show which I co-produce and has opened so many amazing doors. One of the greatest honors of my life was being interviewed by Oprah, a huge dream come true! I am living my #LiveList life! All those hard times financially have made me appreciate this financial windfall so much more, I don’t take it for granted. I give back. I share the blessings bestowed to me. I’ll never forget the day we got the keys to our dream home a few years ago. It was the moment the kids have wanted more than any other, and the one I so desperately wanted to give them while they were still young enough to enjoy it. It makes me proud that I was able to keep my promise to Kanen and get us our own home while he was still in high school, as our house is always the place to be! And to give the girls the room to plant their own garden and have their own horses, such a dream come true! As we begin our decent into Venice, everyone begins waking up and chatting excitedly. Lisa passes me a glass of champagne and we raise our glasses, push back tears of joy, and toast to our Italian adventure! We are about to spend two weeks at our villa in Tuscany. It’s situated on a hill with an expansive, breathtaking view of the Tuscan countryside. Olive groves and vineyards surround it on both sides. A beautiful garden fills the terrace out back and a stunning infinity pool welcomes long evenings indulging in spectacular sunsets. The kids and I have come several times over the past two years since we got this place. I’ve done a few renovations and tried to get away from the hectic life back home, as often as I can, but this is the first time Lisa has seen it. It’s also the first time the kids have each brought a friend. The house will be buzzing with voices, laughter, smells of Ragu slow cooking in the kitchen and cannonballs in the pool, I can’t wait! But first, Venice! I am secretly most excited about is spending a few quiet days with the love of my life, cruising the Italian Riviera from Portofino to the dazzling Amalfi coastal town of Positano. Just the two of us, after everyone else heads back home. I’ve waited a LONG time for this. Fifteen years to be exact, it’s my time, and it was so worth the wait! The best part of my new life is that I am honestly and truly happy, at peace, and daily living a life that at one point merely existed in my imagination. All the things I feared were just excuses to not reach my potential. I’m glad I had the hard-headed-ness to pay them no mind. I’m glad I always followed my heart and my intuition, because its lead me to the life that aligns with everything I believe in and love most in the world. It is all possible." TIPS ON WRITING YOUR #LIFEPLAN Story: 1. Set it five years in the future. Be sure to say the year, mention your age, the ages of your kids in five years (if you have, or want them). 2. Write it in the first person as if it is your CURRENT life. Let yourself imagine how it would feel on that perfect day when you are living your dream life. What's it like? You're taking a moment out of that amazing new life to just reflect, to let it all sink in and appreciate all your created. 3. Be sure to touch on ALL five core areas of your life, so that it’s a holistic look at your dreams and ambitions in all areas. Core areas: 1. relationships, 2. career & ambitions, 3. passions & joy, 4. mind & body and 5. wealth & abundance. 4. Be as specific and "visual" as possible. Try to write it as a “story.” Paint the picture and get excited about the potential to have that be your reality one day! Doing this homework should give you butterflies and allow you to see that life as if it’s already your reality (the magic sauce of manifesting). 5. GO BIG! Push yourself to dream of the biggest versions of your dreams. It might not all come to life in the next five years, but I can promise you, much of it will, and you want it to be the ultimate ask of the Universe, not a trimmed down version. Don’t settle for less than your dreams, because they can and WILL become your reality. You deserve them. I deserve mine. We are worthy of a life that fills us to overflowing. Anything you can imagine, can become your reality. UPDATE JAN 27, 2021: I just read this post and got the chills! Why? Because 3 days ago my son Kanen and I returned from Valparaiso Indiana where he accepted ("committed) to play football for Valparaiso University, a Division 1 college football program, AND he received $96,000 in scholarships to do just that! I've know this was HIS dream (play D-1 college football) but when I wrote this, it was the summer before his Freshman year in high school and he'd only played kid football! I had totally forgotten however that I had written his dream into this #lifeplan until just now! And oh yeah, my 2nd book did get written, and published by Simon & Schuster, and picked up by Target stores nationwide. When I wrote this I didn't even had the idea for this book. I am still working on my memoir though, and hoping it will also be sold soon! UPDATE SEPT 21, 2021: Once again I re-read this post and am I'm SHOCK! I don't know how it always amazes me how accurate this homework assignment (from my book Hustle Believe Receive) can be, but it still does. Here's what's manifested to date: I just returned from 2 weeks in Italy wit my daughters (14), we spent a week at a villa in Tuscany, surrounded by olive groves and vineyards. We spent 4 days on the Amalfi coast, and I spend a magical "me day" in Positano by myself, soaking in the pure joy of it. I did not get there on a private jet, that part is still to come, I have no doubt I'll manifest it in the next #lifeplan In 2018 the kids and I moved from our apartment to a new home, it's not mine, but it did fulfill everything else I wrote about it. The day we got the keys is one I won't forget and it fulfilled my promise to my son, he had the master bedroom all through high school so he always had plenty of room for his friends. When I wrote this #lifeplan in 2017 it was just months after being laid off from my corporate job, something that pushed me into starting my coaching company. I have worked for myself ever since. Even though I knew NOTHING about starting or running my own business I grew that to well over six-figures a year in just 4 years. And then this year, in July of 2021 I stared my corporate coaching company Centrella Co. It was a huge leap of faith, but it is the start to manifesting all the things I mention above. It's one that will have employees by 2022, one that has a founding advisory board of 7 women and 1 man, it's a women owned company with the goal of impacting lives world wide. HUGE UPDATE: And one of the biggest updates, new since my previous update above, is that my son is actually playing football for the #4 team in all of college football! His ULTIMATE dream to play for the Oregon Ducks came about in the 11th hour with a late, preferred walk-on offer! He's since played in his first game, I've seen him on the field, watched him run out the tunnel, all of it! AND he got a full-ride for academics to Oregon! My daughters just started High School and are LOVING it, after having a really hard time in middle school and with COVID home school. My 3rd book deal was signed a month ago! It will be out in 2022. Currently I'm working with my aunt, a veteran TV writer to help me turn my memoir into a TV series. Lisa has since manifested the love of her life (which was her ultimate dream), has gotten engaged and bought a house. I'd say that in all categories but the "love" one, we are 80% there! And there is a reason the love one hasn't manifested yet, I've always maintained that I wanted to raise my kids on my own, I don't want the distraction or competition for my time, until they are out of the house. So that one WILL manifest, in about 4-5 years from now! *Please note: I have never changed a word of my original post. I know it might be hard to believe, but it's important to me that those words never be altered. They are how I wrote them in my journal in August of 2017. The way I teach people how to manifest is SO ACCURATE that it is astounding all by itself, there is no need to manipulate the truth. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • How to Get Grateful to Manifest Faster

    How to Get Grateful. The best way to Get Grateful for your current situation is to stop bitchin’ about what you don’t have. You can’t be thankful if you’re constantly complaining. It’s crazy how much power our words hold. And even crazier still the control our thoughts have on our words, emotions, and future. If you don’t believe me, take a few minutes to think about all the things you don’t like about your life at this present moment. Write them down. Then ask yourself: Have those issues gotten worse or better over time? My guess is they have not gotten better. So when things started going sideways, can you recall stressing about them? Obsessing until you felt physically ill at times? Did you talk about those problems with your friends and family or anyone who would listen? Did you tweet about them? Write a negative status update about them on Facebook? Find a quote that really stuck it to the person you were mad at and posted it on Instagram? We’ve all done it. I’m as guilty as the next person, but what was the outcome? Did your problems magically fix themselves by doing any of those things? Did they make you feel better, or eventually worse? Think about your list of problems for a minute. Do they occupy the majority of your mind space? If so, then you are in a downward, self-fulfilling-prophecy spiral. What you’ve thought about, and talked about, has become your daily reality. Think on that a minute. By complaining about your problems, verbalizing them, and allowing your feelings associated with those thoughts and words to change your mood, or even make you physically ill, you have actually made those problems bigger. Instead of solving them, you’ve made them much worse. Because you are responsible for your problems. I know, ouch. The purpose of gratitude is to make us aware and present in our lives, to teach us not to take anything for granted. It’s so easy to get caught up in our daily life and forget all the good things that are part of our environment. Gratitude lets you reconnect with all of that—it keeps you present in the moment and focused on your goal. As you move through the steps of the #HBRMethod you’ll find there will be times on your journey when you seem to be stuck in a rut, or when things aren’t turning out as planned, that will be your indication that you’ve let your gratitude practice slide. Don’t let it slide. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • 12 Mottos to Change Your Life & Manifest Everything You Want

    12 Mottos to Change Your Life & Manifest Everything You Want. What is a motto? Well, the short answer is a positive statement that you repeat regularly, that states an outcome you want. But, if you know me, you know I believe in teaching things that are PROVEN to work and are easy to use and I teach what I call Power Motto's in my #HBRMethod and my book Hustle Believe Receive because they are one of the most powerful tools to change your thoughts, beliefs, and outcomes. How? Because they work to change old negative or limiting beliefs and create new ones. Our beliefs will always manifest in our reality. So it's extremely important that you know what it is you truly believe about everything from money, to your body, your abilities, who you are, literally EVERYTHING. If you have negative or limiting beliefs, then those will always become your reality. For example: If you believe that money is hard to make, money will ALWAYS be hard to make. This means that no matter what job you have, what promotion you get, or how much it pays you, it will always be a struggle. To change this, you must start with the core belief (the thing creating the outcome you DON'T want). Create a motto that addressed the belief directly, such as: "Money comes to me easily and grows rapidly." This motto will begin changing your belief over time. Say it daily, and especially say it when you think about money. When the belief starts to change, your outcomes will also change. You'll start to see money coming into your life unexpectedly and it will become easier to make, and equally important you'll be creating a belief that you GROW money. To grow money you need to be aware of your financial habits and make changes to increase financial knowledge and management skills to grow the new abundance into wealth. A true Power Motto has 3 parts: It addresses the negative belief head-on. -"Money comes to me easily" is the opposite of the negative belief that, "money is hard to make." It DECLARES your ideal desired outcome. -This will feel like a lie at first, and it is. We are making a declaration that we have/feel/believe the opposite of what seems "true" in our current reality. It should make you feel better almost instantly. There is something magical about a good Power Motto, it has the power to relieve stress, calm anxiety, bring peace, and give you power almost immediately. It is a reminder that the outcome you want IS COMING. It gives you hope and perspective. Play around with the wording of your mottos until it rolls off your tongue easily and feels powerful. Here are my top 12 general mottos. Say these to yourself every morning (out loud in the mirror) and all day long until you BELIEVE them. "I AM BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY & PROUD OF ME!" -Use this one to transform your beliefs about your body, how you look, and your health. This claims health for your future (whether you have good health today or not) and begins the change to how you feel about the way you physically look. Adding "I am proud of me" encourages you to make the changes you need to make to reach those goals. "I FREELY GIVE AND RECEIVE LOVE." -This one will help you keep your heart open to love of all types and forms, and remind you to also give it without strings or reservations. Giving and receiving love is a powerful generator of manifesting energy and an important source of joy and happiness. This will help remove unhealthy walls and build your trust in love. "I am worthy and deserving of...." -fill in the blank, with the word of the thing/feeling/belief you want. "I CREATE, AND JOYOUSLY RECEIVE ABUNDANCE AND WEALTH." -This is a powerful financial motto that will bring you unexpected money! It will help you begin to see yourself as the generator and creator of wealth and financial success, which will also help change your money management habits and keep you open to all the various ways and opportunities the universe will bring you financial abundance. Adding "joyously receive" helps remind you that you must be OPEN to receiving abundance and do so with joy. This will bring more financial windfalls! "I AM IN CONTROL OF HOW I FEEL." -Especially when you want to be drawn into other people's negative energy, or when others try to bring you down. Whether you believe it or not, you REALLY ARE in control, it starts with what you tell yourself, so use this motto to get instant peace and control, and to change your beliefs over time. "I AM MOTIVATED AND DETERMINED TO ________ACHIEVE MY DREAMS." -Especially when you feel unmotivated or want to give up. You can fill in the blank as well with anything specific you are working on. "I AM MAKING PROGRESS EVEN WHEN I CAN'T SEE IT. I AM PROUD OF HOW FAR I'VE COME." -Especially when you feel like you've not made any progress and are feeling discouraged. "MY LIFE CAN CHANGE FOR THE BETTER IN A DAY!" -This is an amazing reminder that your big manifestations are right around the corner, the could show up any moment! Use this especially when you are feeling financial lack and fear, or are frustrated by not seeing results. It's a great one for opening up opportunities and getting new ideas to manifest big wins. "I AM OK. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE JUST FINE. THE UNIVERSE HAS MY BACK." -This motto is so powerful, it will bring calm and peace when it feels like everything is falling apart, or when you are experiencing fear, stress, and anxiety. "I LOVE MY LIFE!" -Make this the motto you use EVERY SINGLE DAY, nothing will help you FEEL gratitude faster and teach you how to be present in your life and feel blessed and thankful for what you have right now. "I AM TRANSFORMING!" -This is one of my favorites because you can use it for physical (body, weightless, etc) goals, and those of your mind and your entire life. It encourages you to keep up making those changes that create transformation. "I AM THANKFUL FOR ALL MY BLESSINGS AND EXCITED TO SEE WHAT WILL MANIFEST NEXT!" -This combination of gratitude for what you have and eager expectancy for what is coming will keep you manifesting for a lifetime! Remember these mottos will only work if YOU DO. You must be dedicated to using them daily, and especially when you are feeling susceptible to old, negative thoughts. If you are consistent you will see results very quickly! Lastly, the most impactful mottos are ones that are personalized to YOU, so write down ones that directly address the things you stress about the most. If you'd like more coaching on this or anything I teach check out my various resources. Learn how to write your power mottos and my 4 other tools to change your life in my #1 best-selling book Hustle Believe Receive. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • #HBRSocial Recap

    EMPOWERED LADIES SOCIAL, DINNER WITH A PURPOSE On May 20, 2017, Sarah Centrella held her first ever live event, at Union Pine in Portland Oregon. It was truly a magical night, full of inspiration from five women, including Sarah and two key speakers. The attendees enjoyed an open bar with local wine and craft cocktails, a gourmet four-course sit down dinner, desert and giveaways. Each of the ladies got their photos taken on the pink carpet and was gifted a swag bag. The nights theme was "Live Your Dream" and featured several local speakers, sharing their personal stories of how they've achieved success and are living their dreams. Sarah shared her 8-step #HBRMethod and personal story, including her tips on making a vision board that works! GUEST SPEAKERS JAMI CURL - BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, OWNER OF QUIN CANDY Best-selling author and candy maker Jami Curl spoke about how our dreams can change and evolve over time. Jami took a break from the press tour for her new book Candy is Magic, to share her insight and personal story of how she's managed to successfully start businesses and become a traditionally published author. Jami's personal story is also featured in Sarah's book Hustle Believe Receive. Jami is such a funny and engaging speaker, she had the room laughing and taking notes. Jami is truly an example of following your passion and how to update your dreams as your vision changes. I admire her so much, and I'm thrilled to introduce her to you. ELISHA ALCANTARA -ENTREPRENEUR EXTRAORDINAIRE Elisha is a successful entrepreneur who owns several rapidly growing companies in the Portland metro area, including Encompass Real Estate (formerly Caliber). The topic of her talk was how to overcome obstacles to achieve success, and how to reinvent yourself if need be. She's overcome many obstacles on her path to success and proves that with determination and hard work, anything is possible. She believes in creating an empowered work environment for her team, and mentors women on how to advance their careers within her companies. Elisha is a wife and mother of two young children, and an inspiring example of how having “it all” is achievable. STEPHANIE THAVIXAY Entrepreneur, Clothing Designer Stephanie is the Co-Founder of Parent Approved Apparel, the #MomLife brand. She shared her inspiring story of how she took an idea and tried it into a business, even though she wasn't sure how to make it happen, and didn't have money to fund the business. Her clothes have been worn by NBA wives, players for the Seattle Seahawks, and many reality TV, and social media stars. Her inspiring story is featured in Hustle Believe Receive. Stephanie has inspired so many women to follow their dreams, her story shows that you really can start a dream with nothing, and turn it into more than you even imagined. Gratitude to our amazing key sponsors KUNI BMW | CW Decorating | Encompass Reality Photographer: Michelle Pearl Gee | Catering: Field Day PDX | Bar: Wild Roots Vodka & Widmer Brewing | Venue: Union Pine | Desert: Nothing Bunt Cakes Swag Sponsors: Lulu Lemmon, Rodan + Fields, doTTERRA, Pearl Med Spa Gallery Feedback from this Event #HBRSocial Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • How to Manifest with Vision Boards #Futureboards

    *Originally written and posted Feb 2016. How to Manifest the Life You Want with Vision Boards Have you ever made a "vision board" or a "dream board" but it didn't seem to work? Or have you always thought they were kinda just bullshit? Or did you make one, but then never actually hang it up where you could see it? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're not alone. I'd say that most of my clients fall into this category, I did myself for most of my life. But then I made a board that was so totally aligned with the women I desired desperately to become, hung it up at my office, and wala! It wasn't long before I began living out the moments that were displayed on my #FutrueBoard. It wasn't magic of course, if you've read my book you know that. It involved a lot of work as it always does, but let me tell you, it sure felt like magic! Did you know that you can predict your future? If you totally believed that, wouldn't you want to put that power to good use? It took me years to fully believe it, but once I began to make those connections, and realize that what I spoke about (#SayIT), thought and obsessed over (#ThinkIT) and what I surrounded myself with (#SeeIT) was becoming my reality, I wanted to harness it as fast and as accurately as I could! And that's how the #HBRMethod came about, though testing it out in my own life and then teaching it to my clients. In 2015 I started Transformation Bootcamp where I teach the 8-step Centrella Method in a 10-week small group coaching course, and the results have astounded even me! I'm not sure why I'm always surprised because I KNOW this works. I've proven it over and over again. But there's something about teaching it to someone who may be at the lowest point in their life, with little or no resources or hope, then watching them apply it daily...and then WATCHING IT CHANGE THEIR LIFE! That never gets old believe me! This morning I had the joy of catching up with some of my former Transformation Bootcamp clients who took the course a year ago. At that time some were in negative relationships, some didn't have jobs, some were struggling financially, others were looking for how they could find their purpose and happiness, all were looking for something to help get them "un-stuck." One year later those same clients have started their dream business, gotten promotions, found their dream job/calling, left bad relationships, found a new group of positive friends, seen the magic of #MoneyAintAThing, manifested some unbelievable moments and life changing experiences off their #FutureBoars, all in under a year!! But the part I love the most is seeing their self-confidence change. Seeing them learn how to control the negative voices in their head and replace them with positive, empowering ones... and then.. .BECOME that empowered positive person! There is no greater joy that I've found in life (outside of being a mom) then this, watching these amazing transformations. This morning one women said that she's re-reading the book and re-doing her homework because she's come so far from a year ago that she needed to upgrade her dreams! And when she got to step 2, #ThinkIT where you write out all your "I am's" she realized that she needed all new ones, because the ones from a year ago now simply described WHO SHE IS. Think about that for a second. A year ago, when she was at her lowest point she used this tool to teach herself how to think differently about herself and her future. She applied it daily. She told herself over and over again these positive "I am's" (like 'I am happy.' 'I am successful.' etc) every time the negative voices tried to sabotage her new life. And now one year later those words actually describe who she is and how she sees herself! How amazing that is. And it can and will do the same thing for you. I've always believed that proof is better than words, and that's why I've documented my entire journey and all my manifestations, because you can't argue with facts right!? And pictures are great facts. Here's just a few things I've manifested in the past few years form my #FutureBoard using the #HBRMethod. You'll notice that each photo has a picture of my #FutureBoard and next to it, a photo of the "reality." The moment I lived out those dreams. You can find many more of these examples on my Pinterest under Reality Board Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Vision Board Success Story: Manifesting Works!

    Vision Board Success Story: Manifesting Works! #Futureboards Have you ever made a vision board? Or been to a vision board party? If not it's time for a little Bubbles and Dreams! Grab the champs cuz I'm gonna tell you a pretty awesome success story that will make you want to finally make a board that works! For years, I've been coaching people around the world on how to make a #FutureBoard (my version of a vision board), and it's been so incredible to watch their lives change. However, I've done most of this coaching virtually (for the most part), so I hadn't gotten the opportunity to see my clients make their board in person. But recently I've been giving live classes and it's been such a joy to have that personal interaction with people as they start to piece together their future lives. Oh did I mention that these boards we create, actually WORK!? Welp they do... and here's just ONE recent example. The other day I heard from a former client who'd began her coaching and #HBRjourney after hitting her personal rock-bottom. She'd recently divorced, found herself in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy as a result, had lost her business, hated her job and where she lived. She couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. And like most of my clients wasn't even sure what or how to start dreaming of a new life. She felt trapped in the life she'd created and uninspired for the future. We worked together each week through the first four steps of the #HBRMethod. As is common, she struggled with the first step #DreamIt. It was hard for her to imagine anything beyond her current reality, and dreaming big felt silly. I reassured her that this is the normal reaction, and pushed her past those limiting beliefs. Then came #ThinkIt which directly addressed those negative thoughts that were holding her back, and keeping her stuck in the negative cycle. We worked on #SayIt focusing on only putting out into the Universe the future she wanted to create, and put the lockdown on any bitchin' about her present situations. Then we mapped out her new life, creating a five-year #LifePlan. By the fifth week of coaching, she was feeling like a new women! People had began to comment on how positive she'd become and she began to look for (and find), small miracles happening daily in her life, reinforcing this new path. So by the time we got to making her #FutureBoard in week five, she was not only ready, she was excited! She couldn't wait to put visuals to the written plan, and she'd already begun #CreateAMovieInYourHead where she'd been daydreaming about this new life. What did she want? To move someplace warm. Not have to work any more. To meet the love of her life and get remarried. Have money in the bank and be debt free. She wanted to LIVE! And enjoy this new chapter in her life to the fullest. That was about eighteen months ago. Just to show that you DO get exactly what you ask for, about 10 months ago, she was terminated from her job, the one she hated. This, as you might imagine completely changed her financial life. She had been paying out about 1/3 of her monthly take-home pay in the CH 13 bankruptcy. While losing her job initially felt devastating, it allowed her to convert to a CH 7, which wiped out all debt, except her student loans. She then went on to get a job she enjoys to help her save money. The other day she messaged me to say that; she’s found the love of her life, is moving to the sunny destination of her dreams, is no longer working at a job she hates, and in fact won’t need to work at all once she moves! And oh yeah, she has the amount of money she’d put on her board, in her bank! I was FREAKING THE FUCK OUT! Because no matter how many times I do this with a client, every time they come back with results like these, I almost can't believe it! I reminded her that just 18 months ago, we'd literally created that life for her out of thin air! It was fiction when we started. And now... not so much! This is why I love what I do. Because IT WORKS. Because it changes people lives. So back to my first question, even if you've created a vision board in the past, I can promise you it's not a FutureBoard (unless you followed the steps in the book lol). And if it's not, then it's time you make one! Because this story is awesome, but it's not the only one. Not by a mile. Lately I've lead several #futurerboard workshops for corporations and would love to motivate your team too! Here's to making dreams happen, together. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Are You Sitting on Your Golden Ticket?

    Are You Sitting on Your Golden Ticket? What is your “golden ticket”? I bet you have one, and I’m also willing to bet that you know what it is… so then why are you SITTING ON IT!? Our golden ticket is the one thing we are GREAT AT. The one thing we love. Maybe even the one thing we devote our time and energy to, but might not make any money from, yet. It’s the thing that we secretly (or openly) are crafting, hustling towards and dreaming of. For me, its teaching people how to change their life and live their dream, through live events around the world, TV/Film, coaching and books. That is my THING. It’s my passion. It’s what I did for years before it paid me a penny. It’s what I’d still do for free if I could. It’s what I obsess over, dream about and hustle on every single day for the past seven years. It’s what I did nights and weekends while holding down a full-time job from 2010-2017. It’s given me the greatest highs of my life, and broken my heart more times then I can count. It’s what I am meant to do. It’s the only thing I’ve ever really been good at, and -this probably sounds cocky- but I’m fucking great at it. It fills me up in ways I never dreamed a job could. It’s not a job, it’s who I am. It is my Golden Ticket. It’s the ONE thing that I do better than anyone else, because it’s uniquely mine. Therefore it’s the only thing that will one day allow me to achieve wealth. I was pretty good at corporate sales, but a career in that field (even as an executive) was never going to make me a millionaire. That wasn’t an option on the table. It was the safe career, and even the good career choice. One I’d worked years to achieve, but it was NOT my golden ticket. I see so many people out there who are brilliantly amazing at the thing they love, but they are afraid to bet on themselves. They allow fear to prevent them from just stepping up and cashing in their ticket. Fear is a nasty little bitch. It has a purpose of course, it helps us vet our decisions wisely, forcing us to look at both sides of the coin. But that’s how you should use and control fear. If you allow it to make your decisions you have already failed. Forget “fear of failure,” not taking action is the ONLY definition of failure. Because the ONLY way you can possibly fail is if you do nothing. If you sit on your ticket, choosing to do nothing, then you’ve failed. So then, any action you take in the direction of your dream, is success. It doesn’t matter if you don’t reach your ultimate goal right away, the fact that you are out there doing it AT ALL is success. If you begin to see this, then you realize that even if the worst case scenario happens (ie. you use all your savings trying, or you don’t make the team, or your book is rejected, or your business closes) even then, you have succeeded. Because you got in the game. You took the ticket that the Universe gave you, (your true passion and talent) and said; “I will not waste this gift. I will do everything in my power to realize my potential and use this ticket.” You are part of the very small minority who actually recognize their gift and did something about it, you can not fail. If it’s fear of what others will think, that holds you back, remember they are the larger part of the population that will never use their ticket. No one can diminish your effort, your bravery or the success that you will see from taking action. They can’t take that from you, no matter what the final outcome is. Those are the worst case scenarios, and still you WIN. So what if this happened? What if you were the 5% that struck it big in your given field. What do those top 5% make a year? Do you know? If you don’t, stop reading this right now and Google it! You should know what you are working towards. And why can’t it be you? This is your THING right? It’s the one thing your better at than anything else, and plus you love it. So fuck what the haters say, that 5% is YOU. Now look at the pros and cons of going after your dream. The cons: you might go broke trying. OK, and? Lot’s of people are broke and still breathing. Money can be re-earned. You can always go back to whatever crap job you had before and make whatever money you made before. You’d live. The pros: YOU COULD STRIKE IT RICH DOING WHAT YOU LOVE! You could get paid to do what you LOVE. You could do what you love for the rest of your life. You could make a difference in the world, in someones life. How is this not a risk worth taking? I say all of this, knowing first hand how hard it is to live it in real life. It is not easy to “trust the process.” I’ve not had a salary since I parted ways with my corporate job in February. The moment that happened I promised myself that I’d never work for anyone again. It was the push from the Universe that I needed to do what I love full-time. I knew instantly that it was my signal and that if I willingly chose to ignore it and just go back to that career, that I’d be slapping the Universe in the face and tearing up my ticket. Once that decision was made, and set in stone, the rest became semantics. And doors began to open! It’s scary as shit, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. But failure is NOT how I roll. I may or may not become wealthy doing what I love, but to sit on my ass keeping that ticket warm would be irresponsible. So to all of you out there sitting on your dream because you feel like it’s the “responsible” thing to do…it’s like ripping up your potentially winning lottery ticket before the drawing, because someone told you the odds of winning weren’t in your favor. Crazy right? Giving up on your dream, or not pursuing it with all your heart is just as nuts. Doing what you love, because you love it, has been proven to equal monitory success over the long-run. Don’t let your short-run negative bank balance determine your future net worth. FIND. A. WAY. I wrote a whole chapter on this with tips and tools for how you can discover your golden ticket in my book All the Things I Wish I Knew. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • My Life Plan: 2011 by Sarah Centrella

    My Life Plan: 2011 by Sarah Centrella NOTE: I wrote and posted this life plan on my blog Thoughts.Stories.Life. in September of 2011. It was my very first #LifePlan. "It's 2016: I am 41, Kanen is 13 and the girls are 9 years old. I’m standing on the balcony of a villa over-looking the Italian countryside. Vineyards stretched out over the rolling hills. It’s a warm summer evening, lavender in the air. I take a slow sip from my glass of wine; inhale the bouquet, let my nose do a little dance, savoring the flavors swirling them around my mouth. There’s a tall, gorgeous man walking towards me with the open bottle of Barbaresco. He graciously tops off my glass, leans in to kiss my forehead, and rests his hand on the small of my back. We lean against the brick railing, and I laugh watching the girls play in the vineyard. They are kicking the soccer ball, trying to score a goal against their strong tall older brother. A few of the neighbor boys are playing too, working up a sweet, shouting soccer plays in Italian. They try to keep the ball from the girls, who are enjoying the competition. My kids are laughing and saying things like “Ciao” and “Bella”. I’m happy. The kind of happy that glows on the inside, and never stops manifesting itself on the outside. The kind that brings its best friend, joy along for the ride. I’m at peace. Content beyond measure. I’m not worried about anything. Not money, not bills. Not schedules, or emails, texts, Facebook, or phones. Nothing but this moment occupies my thoughts. I don’t have to work 9-5 anymore. This is the reward for a lifetime of pain, suffering, struggle and hard work. Time does not expire here. We play, we eat amazing food, we cook. We shop in the open air markets; we drink wine, and sip espresso. The kids use their Italian to order dinner when we go out to dimly lit restaurants with large Italian grandmothers bringing us plates of meet and pasta. We eat fresh seafood that leathery old fishermen bring off their aging fishing boats. Dip warm freshly baked bread in cold pressed olive oil. We drive to the Rivera in a sports car, the girls and I with scarfs around our hair like 1940’s movie stars. We stay in brightly colored stucco hotels overlooking the cliffs with the mist of the sea in the air. Drink chilled Champagne. We take the train, go to museums, and sing hymns in ancient cathedrals. Our minds expand, our knowledge grows. We love each other without condition. This is heaven. This is what I hustle for. This is my dream, and one day it will be my Pinch me Moment." UPDATE: Read my post "How I Manifested My Trip to Italy" and see just how spot on my #LifePlan was, it went from just words on a page to my reality! And get this... when my kids and I went to Italy it was Oct 2016 (five years and one month from the date I wrote this), I was 41, my son was 13 and my girls were 9. Can you say #ManifestThat!? Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • My Ultimate Bucket List is Coming to Life #LiveList

    Here's how my Ultimate Bucket List (#LiveList) is Coming to Life I am a firm believer in the power of a #LiveList (kinda like a Bucket List) to help you break through any barriers you may have to dream big. I make all my coaching clients write one of these as their first assignment, it's also the homework to #DreamIT in my book Hustle Believe Receive. The key to making an ultimate #LiveList that will actually manifest is to focus on the EXPERIENCES you want to live out before you die. You can NOT put GOALS or THINGS on the list, just moments and experiences. The first bucket list that I wrote back in 2009 has remarkably come to life in ways that I could have never imagined when I first wrote it. So, I'm excited to see how this list shows up in my life in the years to come. MY ULTIMATE LIVE LIST Take photos of the white and blue stone houses in Santorini Greece. Ride a donkey up the stairs from the sea to the village in Greece. Drink a spritz on the beach in Positano Italy with my girlfriends. Take a family photo under the Eiffel tower. Go to the top of the Eiffel tower and snap a selfi! Eat breakfast at the Giraffe Hotel in Kenya Parasail behind a jeep driving through the African safari. Stay in an ice igloo in Iceland. Stomp and harvest grapes at a vineyard. Stay in the Elephant room at the Four Seasons in Thailand. Sleep in a treehouse. Eat with my fingers while sitting on the floor in Morocco. Have a tapas and sangria happy hour in Spain. Drive up the coast of Portugal with my kids. Ride an elephant in Thailand. Stay in a French farmhouse in France. Ski and or ride the train through Switzerland. Retire in Italy. Ride horses on the beach in Mexico. Ride bikes through Amsterdam. Eat fish and chips with a pint in a London pub. Take a family photo in front of Buckingham Palace. Go to the New York Symphony. See the opera in Vienna. Meditate above the Grand Canyon, on a road trip. Be interviewed by Oprah. Do a yoga retreat in Bali. Spend a summer with the kids in the South of France and one in Tuscany. Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef. Host retreats in Italy, Greece, Spain, and France. Have an event in all 50 states. Write a script. Fall in love. Write a children's book. Meditate with Buddhist monks in Tibet. Hike the Great Wall of China. Take cooking lessons from Italian Nono's. Take Italian lessons. Learn to swing dance. Visit a cigar factory in Cuba. Paddleboard in Hawaii with the kids. Learn to play piano. See alligators on an Everglades boat ride in Florida. Go duck hunting in England. Eat crab and drink a beer in New England. Spend a snowed-in Christmas at a cabin in Maine with the kids. Drive Route 66 with someone I love. Take a helicopter ride over the rainforest or New York City. Zipline in Costa Rica. Drink champagne in Champagne France. Go to the Canes Film Festival. Go to the Sundance Film Festival. Party on a Yacht. Ride a camel in the desert in Dubai. Take the kids to Cape Town South Africa. Spend a weekend in Charleston SC. Go to Mardi Gras with my girlfriends. See the Northern Lights. Take a hot air balloon ride over vineyards. See kangaroos in Australia. Go to a Super Bowl. Go sailing in the St Barth's. Have Izzy show me how to fish in a Montana stream. Go Glamping in Big Sky Mt, and ride horses. Watch a soccer game in Brazil with Kanen. See ice skating at the Olympic games. Go on a volunteer trip. Learn to make your own #LiveList and #FutureBoard so they will manifest! Use the HRBWorkbook homework guide or work with me directly. Visit COACHING UPDATE: Feb 23, 2023: All the items in BOLD I have ALREADY manifested since making this list in 2017! Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

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