I originally launched The Self-Pride Challenge in the fall of 2019 (read 1st post), and have since heard from thousands of people around the world, who've done this challenge and completely changed their beliefs about themselves, have lost weight, have gained self-confidence, and transformed their life!
The Sarah Centrella Mind & Body Challenge the Self-Pride Challenge
I recently did a podcast with coaching and tips on creating self-pride and confidence and I shared why I started this and how it changed my life. It might help you better understand what it's all about. (listen above, also on Apple podcast, Amazon podcast, iTunes)
So, what does "self-pride" mean to me? It's taking pride in ourselves, it's living up to our full potential, it's not settling for less than what we deserve, it's being confident and powerful. It's stepping into our full potential, raising the bar, and expecting more of ourselves. In short, it's LOVING ourselves AND OUR LIFE.
When we look good, we feel good, and so this self-pride challenge is both mental and physical. It's about building strong amazing bodies while building ourselves up by changing our mindset.
I am out to PROVE that you CAN self-create happiness, joy, confidence, health, and a whole lot more, just by changing what you say to yourself each day. And here's the beautiful part, IT'S SO EASY (and it WORKS)!
I know it might seem "too simple" to work but believe me, if you practice the coaching you'll get in email each morning, say your motos religiously, and stick with all of it for 30 days in a row, you will be a re-born woman! And you'll see that you can accomplish ANYTHING!
We start each day by making our FIRST THOUGHT: "I LOVE MY LIFE!" This will be your ongoing DAILY MOTTO, in addition to the ones you'll get each morning. Try to bring this thought up as often as you can every single day, all day! When it comes up, be present in that moment. Be grateful. FEEL how good your life is (even if it's "not"). The more you focus on the positive the more blessings, abundance, happiness, success, and joy you'll manifest. Manifesting is anchored in gratitude and this helps give you a mindset of genuine gratitude.

The challenge has 4 parts and ANYONE can do it successfully:
1. Minimum of 20-minutes daily exercise (every day for 30-days).
2. Say your daily mottos, all day. Each day you'll get an email from me with your new daily motto and coaching on how to use it and what to focus on that day to build your confidence, self-esteem, and change negative self-beliefs. THIS IS THE CORE of this self-pride challenge. SIGN UP HERE TO BEGIN
3. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
There are lots of other fun surprises that will be in your daily emails, various ways that I'll push you to become the very best version of yourself and encourage the progress you've made already.
Check out my chapter on this in my new book All the Things I Wish I Knew, plus 80 other lessons, coaching and advice to help you live your dream life.
Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE!
Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.