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Married at First Sight with TV Host and Sex Expert Dr. Viviana Coles

Let's talk about sex baby! And you know me, I hold nothing back! I can't wait for you to hear my conversation with sex expert and Doctor of Marriage and Family Therapy, Dr. Viviana Coles. You may know her from the hit Lifetime show Married at First Sight, where she's the show's sex expert and co-host.
I ask all the questions, plus some that my Facebook audience wanted me to ask, so we get into it. And of course, Dr. Viviana opens up about how she started and what got her started in tv.
Dr. Viviana Coles is also the President of Hudson Relationship Therapy and creator of several tools and courses to help you spice up that love life (even if you are waiting for "the love"). LEARN MORE HERE
Follow Dr Viviana Coles journey and connect on Instagram @doctorviviana and be sure to watch Married at First Sight.
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About your host: Sarah Centrella is the best-selling author of several self-help books. She is a master life coach, manifesting expert, and motivational speaker, and Founder of VIVIAMO