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  • Are You Manifesting Everything You Don't Want?

    Are You Manifesting Everything You Don't Want? If you don't know what you want, you're probably manifesting everything you DON'T WANT. You see, manifesting is happening to you right now wether you know it or not, and regardless of if you believe it or not. It's a Universal law of life and energy, every bit as real as the law of gravity. Its forces are at work in all our lives, every day, in positive and negative ways. The trick is to harness this force to begin getting the outcomes you WANT, instead of ones you DON'T. The first step in this process is to identify what you want. It's the first question I ask my clients, and the first one we tackle in my coaching program. So, I'll ask you, what do you want? If you don't know the answer to that question, don't feel bad, it's actually a very difficult question for most people. Why? Because it has probably been years since you honestly thought about it, or focused on the "you" part of that sentence. Most people (women in particular) don't think about their personal wants, desires or dreams. But you should, because if not, manifesting is probably happening in your life in its negative form. Meaning, whatever you are focusing on, thinking about, stressing over, or dwelling on, is what will continue showing up in your current and future reality. This is why knowing what you want, and making the conscious decision to focus on it, is so critical to success. If you don't know your destination, you can't ask Google maps for driving directions can you? Our life is the same, it needs directions and destinations, without those two elements we'll keep spinning our wheels going in circles. Stop waiting for something to happen. Stop waiting for inspiration or motivation. Stop waiting for someone to validate or support you or your idea. Stop waiting for help. Stop waiting for anyone to tell you want to do or teach you how to do it. Stop waiting for the answers. Stop waiting. Start asking YOURSELF the tough questions and listening to YOUR OWN answers. Start making something happen. Start defining what YOU (yes, you) want. Start learning what makes you HAPPY and brings you joy. Start letting your dreams motivate and inspire you by daydreaming of them often. Start teaching YOURSELF how to do it, but TRYING the things your learning. Start doing. Not sure of how to start figuring out what you want? HERE ARE A FEW QUESTIONS THAT WILL HELP GET STARTED. What have I always wanted to do or try? What do I love to do? What brings me joy? If I could get paid amazingly for doing something I love doing, what would it be? If you already do know what you want, ask yourself, How bad do I want it? If you can allow yourself to want it bad enough, then you WILL succeed. FREE MINI-COURSE to help you take this further. Get instant access to the first step (DreamIT) of my coaching system The Centrella Method. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • 3 Proven Ways to Reduce Fear, Anxiety and Stress

    These are scary times. There's so much happening in the world right now that is out of our control, from mass shootings to wars to inflation, and it's easy to let it consume our minds, thoughts, and emotions. Not to mention the daily stress we're all under in our own lives, all this can lead to fear and anxiety leaving us feeling helpless, overwhelmed, and frustrated. My 3 Proven Ways to Reduce Fear, Anxiety, and Stress. This is when I use my tools to protect my mental health while staying informed of what’s happening in the world. This is my motto to reduce anxiety, or for anything that feels stressful, brings fear, or triggers anxiety: “I control what’s within my power and I let the rest go.” The following is a lesson I share in my upcoming book All the Things I Wish I Knew, it gives my 3 steps to HOW we do this. Excerpt from my book: "One very important lesson I have learned over the years is that stress and anxiety mount when you focus on the things you cannot control. So, when things happen, when life throws you a curve ball, or when you’re in a situation that triggers anxiety or stress, I always ask myself this question: What do I control? I believe we have much more control over our lives, thoughts, outcomes, and situations than we can begin to comprehend. No matter what life throws your way, or how out of control things may feel, we always have a choice. We can focus on what’s going wrong (the negative), which is everything we do not control, thereby making it worse. Or we can decide to focus on the possibility that things could somehow turn around and end up in our favor (the positive). The latter is always within our control. So, no matter what, you’ll always have at least one thing you can control. But often in any situation, there are several components within our control, our job is to quickly assess and identify what they are. The longer we focus on things outside our control, the bigger and more unsurmountable they appear and the more problematic they become, so it’s imperative to quickly stop the bleeding. We gain control using these 3 easy steps: 1. Identify problem. What’s causing you stress and bringing on anxious thoughts? What are you dealing with? What feels out of control? This step is basically assessing the situation, getting a read on what’s happening and how it’s making us feel. Make a list. 2. Ask yourself: What can I control? This is why we identified the problem first, so we could see the pieces that are outside our control, helping us separate the two. Now we can start thinking of elements we DO control. Brainstorm here, quickly make note of everything that comes to mind, get a pen, and write a list. Think of EVERYTHING. We know that we always control where our focus goes, so that’s one. Write down the best possible outcome to your situation, if everything went unexpectedly perfect, what would happen? Now you’ve identified an outcome you want, and something positive to focus on and put into the Universe. What else do you control? What pieces could you start working to “fix”? Here’s where you engage everything you’ve ever learned about problem-solving because that’s exactly what you’re doing. You are looking for unseen solutions, ways you can influence an outcome in your favor. 3. Start executing your action items. The faster you begin working on the pieces you’ve identified as being in your control, the quicker momentum can shift suddenly in your favor. Your focus is soon absorbed with taking the actions you control, and without even realizing it, the magical element of this sequence kicks in… you begin to let go of everything outside your control. When this happens, stress and anxiety fade and are replaced with thoughts and actions pointed in the direction of your desired outcome, thereby creating them. When you use this three-step process it can immediately calm anxiety and shift how you physically and mentally feel. This alone gives you power and control you would have otherwise not engaged. The more you do this, the quicker long-term results will follow. Remember that the work you do today to gain control, also has a delayed reaction, meaning you will see the benefits of your action and focus down the road." Now, let's use those three steps to help protect our mental health as it relates to the current climate of fear and uncertainty in our world today. What's the thing causing us fear/anxiety/stress? ____________ Write down your personal internal dialog on this, what is the conversation like in your head? What are your fears? What elements are OUT of your control? What CAN I control? I can limit exposure to news. I can focus on my own energy. I can focus on the possibility that things could resolve quickly and not escalate (focusing on a positive outcome instead of a worse case). I can donate to organizations that support the causes I believe in and are making an impact on solving the bigger issues I have no control over. Such as The Red Cross, if I want to help bring aid to disaster areas. I can have a fundraiser myself. I can volunteer my time. I can mute accounts on social media that constantly post about it. I can do an activity that brings me joy. I can move my body. I can meditate. Keep brainstorming, and come up with 10 things that you have control over. Start executing on your action items. Now start DOING the things on your list. Put ALL your focus and energy on those items, and take all focus and energy OFF the problem. When you do this, you get your power back. You gain control of your emotions, energy, and personal outcomes, thereby letting go of the rest. Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO, and podcast host.

  • Are You Transforming? Personal Transformation that Lasts

    Are You Transforming? Personal Transformation that Lasts What does TRANSFORMATION mean to me? It means that once I intentionally change, I change for GOOD. Your transformation should be like that of a butterfly. First, they start as a caterpillar, right? When they transform into a chrysalis, do they ever go back to being a caterpillar? NO. When they transform into a butterfly, do they ever return to being a chrysalis? Nope. That is the kind of transformation I believe in, and it's what I teach people how to do. I do NOT want you to up-level a little here and a little there, I want you to TRANSFORM! I want everything about your life to get better, more expansive, more abundant, more loving, more supported, MORE. And... when you transform, you don't go back. You continue evolving into the next, better version of yourself, and your life continues to get better and better! But like anything else, it DOES NOT happen on its own. You won't magically wake up one day and be the person you dream of being, with the life you dreamed of living. It takes intention, clarity, direction, tools, motivation, a plan, and a lot of hustle. It takes changing your mindset and redefining what you want. There is a process, and it works. Most of all, it takes DESIRE, desire to change. The desire for new outcomes, desire for more. Here are actual manifestations from current clients members: One client flew on a private jet for the first time last week! Several clients are getting new (and much better) job offers with big raises in pay. Several have doubled their business revenue. Many have manifested the love of their life and recent engagements! One won a fitness competition! Several have achieved the next degree/certification level for their career. One manifested a FREE trip to Dubai! Many have manifested amazing vacations. The list goes on and on. The Centrella Method™ CHANGES LIVES. It will transform you too, you just need to be willing to put in the work. Learn it. Apply it. Get results. It's that basic! Personal Transformation that actually lasts. If you are ready for LASTING transformation, let's get you the results you desire ASAP! Here's how I can help you manifest the life you want and the dreams you thought were impossible. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Manifesting Success Story: Top 10 Things I Manifested from my Vision Board

    Does manifesting work? It does when you use the Centrella Method™ and #futureboards! My manifesting success story. Check out my manifesting success story: the top 10 things I manifested in 2021 straight off my vision boards! These are not small things y'all, these are LIFE CHANGING manifestations! HUGE up-leveling in all areas of my, and my family's lives. Here are just a few of the amazing once-in-a-lifetime experiences, lifelong goals, big dreams, expanding business, personal achievements, and more that manifested in 2021 straight off my Pinterest #futureboards. #1: My son Kanen Rossi manifesting his ultimate dream of playing football at the University of Oregon. This is something he put on his Futureboard™ in 7th grade and a dream the two of us have shared since he was six years old! Watch a video of his story HERE. #2: My 3rd Book Deal!! In July of 2021 I signed my 3rd book deal, to be released fall 2022. It's called All The Things I Wish I Knew, How to be a Fierce Chick Living her Best Life. It shares my personal life lessons and those I've learned through coaching thousands of women over the past decade. It's everything from the important stuff, like how to change your mindset and when to leave a unhealthy relationship, to the silly. #3: Building My Dream Team This has been a dream five years in the making. I started my coaching company as a solo-preneur in 2017 with no experience, and no idea what I was doing. It was HARD to build a company on my own, and I've longed for a team to help me take the vision to the next level. In 2021 we launched Centrella Company, my corporate coaching start-up, and I am so blessed to have these incredible people on my team! #4: Our Dream Home! I started this journey in a 700 sqft, 2 bedroom, rundown apartment in 2008, our first nice condo was flooded leaving us living in a Red Cross hotel for 2 months. We spent five years living in a cramped 3 bedroom apartment when I where I wrote my first book. So, this is a big deal! It will be the first time in their lives that all my children, and myself have had our OWN bedrooms! #5 Trip to Italy with my Daughters! In August of 2021 my 14 year-old daughters and I took the girls trip of a lifetime! We started in Rome, then went to Amalfi (a 20+ year dream for me) and finished in Tuscany. It was incredible. The pictures from my Pinterest Futureboard™ were under my Relationships section, and look how accurately they manifested! #6 Cooking and Bonding with Like Minded Women I've had this on several Futureboards™ for about five years, I wanted to have more like-minded boss women in my life that I could cook with, hang-out with and learn from. This moment came to life in a big way in Dallas TX this year, with the amazing women (and one guy) on my new team, all people I admire and learn from! #7: My Son Graduating with Honors and Receiving a Full-ride Academic Scholarship! As a single mom I fight against all kinds of negative stereotypes all the time, and my kids have to as well. One big one is that single mom's don't spend time with their kids or help them with homework or invest in their education. So when my son graduated in May with honors AND received a full academic scholarship to the University of Oregon, it was a very proud manifest moment! #8: Small Group Workshops This year another big dream manifested, getting women together in small, intimate settings to learn, cook, laugh, drink and bond together. I did my first one in San Antonio in December and planned my first Italy retreat for July 2022. I will be doing more of these little one day workshops this year, so fun! 9-10: ITALY! August 2021 Here are just a few of my many once-in-a-lifetime moments manifested in Italy this past summer. After going through my Pinterest boards and physical boards from the past few years, I found nearly a dozen, almost exact, manifestations from that trip alone! Okay, if you've been paying attention then you know I DO NOT teach vision boards, nor do I teach Law of Attraction, I teach my own Centrella Method™. One I have been proving for over a decade, WORKS! It has changed my life ten times over and continues to change the lives of people around the world who are also practicing this method. My method has been proven and tested repeatedly since 2009 and works for up-leveling every aspect of your life, as well as helping you manifest specific goals and dreams. It is based on the core concept of building a balanced life, one based on your personal happiness. Let me be CLEAR, it is NOT about manifesting a dollar amount of money, or the next job, or a nice pair of shoes. It's about upgrading EVERY ASPECT OF YOURSELF, AND YOUR LIFE. And that's what you see in my manifestations from last year, every aspect of life, up-leveling. 2021 was one of those huge life up-leveling years for my family, one that brought about massive change in almost every area. One where the hustle, belief, and desire established in previous years, cashes in all at once. Those years are so much fun! But they DO NOT happen by magic or random luck. They were carefully and intentionally crafted in the previous months and years. Long before you see me live a dream on Instagram, I've been applying all the steps in my Centrella Method to create it from scratch. I cannot stress this enough, these types of results are NOT unique to me, if you want them, you can have them. If you are reading this, it means you want to change some part of your life, it means you are ready to figure out what's next for you. It means you have the DESIRE for something different. So what is preventing you from making that happen? What are you waiting? You've seen me manifest like this for YEARS, stop watching me do it and start doing it yourself! I have created resources to teach you my methods, simply, easily, and effectively in every imaginable price point and delivery method, there is literally NO EXCUSE. Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Ladies, Buy Yourself Flowers: Trader Joe's Flowers

    The following is an excerpt from my new book All the Things I Wish I Knew, release date fall of 2022. Ladies, Buy Yourself Flowers: Trader Joe's Flowers. LESSON #15 Ladies Buy Yourself Flowers No one else needs to buy them for you! The other day I was at Trader Joe's picking up my weekly haul of fresh flowers and as I approached the cashier to check-out, her face lit-up with animated joy. “Wow! These are so beautiful, who are they for and what’s the occasion?” I smiled and replied, “They are for me, and I’m the occasion!” She laughed. “Oh, I just love that!” She said, scanning then loading each bundle carefully back into the cart. “Don’t ever wait for anyone to buy you flowers, treat yourself,” I told her, as she chatted on about how she’d never thought of buying flowers for herself. Fresh flowers are one of my passions and something that brings me great joy, and for the majority of my life, I thought it was someone else’s job to buy them for me. But it’s not. Flowers are not an extravagance; they are a necessity! Every woman should feel free to treat herself the way she wants to be treated and get her own bouquets. Even when I was on a very limited income, I’ve always had fresh flowers in the house, they are a small way to show love, bring happiness, and add a warm, homey vibe. Here are five tips for arranging store-bought flowers to look like they came from an upscale florist: 1. Get new vases. My guess is that the ones under your sink are not it! They should be short and fat, no more than 5-6 inches high with a wide mouth. You don’t buy flowers so you can see the stems, you want the flowers to be the attention grabber, and lower is better. 2. Choosing your flowers: If the pre-mixed bouquets look okay, you can jazz them up by grabbing a bunch of a single flower, ideally one that is already in the bouquet and is the same color. This way you can remove some of the greenery and add in more flowers. Also, monochromatic colors are always a great choice, all white with a little greenery is my go-to. My favorite supermarket flowers are tulips, roses (white or pink), hydrangeasthan, and something wispy. 3. Cut the stems. Just because flowers are sold on long stems does not mean they should ever be put into a vase that way! Take 2-3 stems at a time and cut them nearly in half, enough so they will only be 6 inches or so above the top of the vase. Once they are all cut and, in the vase, start arranging each flower and cutting the stem as needed so that there is height in the center and it decreases from there. Hight and variation are important. Then cut some shorter to show just above the vase rim, this gives fullness and presentation style marks from any vantage. 4. No leaves in the water. Cut off all leaves from the stems so there are none in the water. The leaves are what makes the water brown and the stems rot. 5. Change the water every three days. I like to just tilt out the old water from the side of the vase and then refill it from the sink faucet, that way it doesn’t mess up the arrangement by removing and replacing the flowers. They should last you a week. COACHING ADVICE Grab a bunch of tulips or hydrangea’s each week at the supermarket, play around with arranging them and take fresh flowers as a hostess gift the next time you swing by a friend’s house. There is just something universally wonderful about keeping and giving fresh flowers. Don’t wait for anyone to give them to you, give them to yourself! PRO TIP: Flowers don’t need to be spendy. I love getting mine at Trader Joe's, because they are so inexpensive and they offer a great variety of interesting choices, I can easily make four or five beautiful bouquets for the entire house on about $40 a week! Ready to take your life, career, goals and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • My New Year's Manifesting Ritual

    My New Year's Manifesting Ritual. Three steps to manifesting in the New Year. Each January for the past five years, I have driven to my favorite spot on the Oregon Coast (Cannon Beach) and done this manifesting ritual. The first year I did it with a best friend, and that year both her and I, manifested the biggest items on our wish list, things we'd dreamed of for years. Then I did it with a small group of women I had come to my home for a retreat, again we manifested so much that year. And last year, I drove out in the pouring rain and did the ritual myself, and wound up manifesting more in 2021 than I ever have in a single year! So, it works. To give you an idea of just how powerful this is, here's a little of what I manifested in 2021 My son Kanen getting a full academic scholarship to his dream school the University of Oregon. This was HUGE as it pays for all his tuition. My son getting an offer to play football at his dream school the University of Oregon. I started my dream company Centrella Co. I built my dream team. I took my daughters on our first girls trip to Italy. I booked my first international retreat, taking a group of women with me to Italy this summer! Got my third traditionally published book deal with a major publishing company. Stayed consistent with my workouts all year, attending Barre3 five days a week. My girls started high school and are loving it. Kanen graduated high school with honors. My business grew by nearly 50%. Took my girls the the Alamo Bowl where Kanen lived out one of his major dreams. Got my girls upgraded to first class for that trip. Made new girlfriends and work mentors. All of that change happened last year, and ALL of it was something I have written down in my #lifeplan and on my #futureboards some for just a year, others for much longer, but 2021 is the year they manifested. And yes, I manifest for my kids too. Those items relating to my kids are ones I've written down, put on boards, talked to them about, and encouraged them using the #HBRMethod to make happen, so it's a family win! This year I did it with my daughters, so it was extra special. They did all the same work and I think it sparked some new ideas and expectations in them as well. It was the perfect day yesterday, and we got to watch the sunset together when we finished. I know 2022 will be epic in the best possible way, and I want it to be for you and your family as well. My 3-Step Manifesting Ritual #1 LET GO OF THE PAST The first step is to let go of everything that no longer serves you. Write down on a sheet of paper: "I release..." and release old negative beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Release old habits and any limiting beliefs. Basically, anything that is not moving you forward, write it down. When you are finished find a safe way to burn it, truly letting those things go. They are now part of the past, the you, you USED to be. #2 EMBRACE AND GIVE THANKS FOR THE PRESENT Spend some time journaling about the past year. Write down everything you were grateful for in the past year, everything that went right, every win you had, everything you manifested, every bad habit you changed, every belief you changed, and everything you accomplished. Write all the good stuff! I call this taking inventory of how far you've come. #3 WRITE YOUR PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Now that you have let go of the past, and shown gratitude for the present, it's time to create the future. Write down everything you want to RECEIVE in 2020 and beyond. Answer these questions: What do you want? How do you want to feel about yourself, how do you want others to treat you? How do you want to spend your time? What goals do you want to accomplish? What things do you want to have? What experiences do you want to live? What people do you want to meet or spend time with? Where do you want to go? How do you plan to take care of your mind and physical body? Write it all. The life you LOVE takes work and vision to create, it won't magically fall into your lap, so take time to intentionally create it. Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • You are Stronger than You Think

    You are Stronger than You Think. *The following is an excerpt from my new book All The Things I Wish I Knew, 101 Life Lessons for Women, release date 2022 LESSON #2 You are Stronger than You Think How to understand your power and tap into your strength. Do you understand how strong you are, lady? How capable you are? How brave you can be? I’ve gotta say, many women don’t know their own strength, until it’s tested. That was defiantly the case for me. I’d always known that I’m a pretty scrappy bitch. I mean, I was raised dirt poor and as a result have never been a stranger to hard work and “figuring it out.” But I never considered myself especially “strong,” or even all that capable. Until my life exploded in 2008. At the time I was a stay-at-home mom, married to my high school sweetheart, my days spent taking care of our five-year-old son and one-year-old twins, just trying to survive. It was the recession and we’d lost our home in foreclosure less than six month prior, filed for bankruptcy and were barely keeping the lights on, when I discovered my husband’s double life. I learned of his affair through one simple text, a light blinking “unread” on his phone one evening in September while I cleared the dinner table as he showered. It read, “I can’t wait ‘till you’re finally free, all mine, no more sharing :)” Since that day, the one where everything I ever believed about my life burned to the ground, people have told me, “Sarah, you are so strong. Where did you get the strength to pick up the pieces and rebuild your life?” There’s only one answer to this: primal strength exists within all of us. We have it, it’s there. I wasn’t built with a “strong” gene that you don’t have. I had no choice but to figure out a way to survive with my children, on my own. I didn’t have the luxury of family to fall back on, or a savings account to help me smoothly transition out of my marriage. Instead, I had no job, no income, no savings, bills past due, and not even a car in my name. It was basically every woman’s worst nightmare. And trust me, I did not feel strong. I felt helpless, alone, and very weak. But that night, after he kissed our kids goodbye and tossed his wedding ring in my general direction, I realized I did have a choice. I could give up and fall apart, or I could fight like hell to survive. Strength comes when we stop listening to doubt. We don’t get stronger by telling ourselves we can’t do it. We get stronger by listening to that voice which lives inside each of us, the one that says, “you can.” You are stronger than you could ever imagine girl. Your power and strength are part of your genetic code, and it pumps through your blood and lives in your soul -- you just might not know it yet. Sometimes we don’t tap into our strength until we’ve been thrown into the fire, but it’s there all the same. If you knew your strength, would you make different decisions? If you knew you were capable of building your life from scratch, all by yourself…would you? If you believed that you could make good decisions, take care of yourself, do “hard” things…would you take those chances and make those choices? When we doubt our strength and our abilities, we make decisions based on fear. We marry the wrong guy because we’re afraid he might be the only one to come along. We stay with said wrong guy because we’re afraid we can’t make it on our own. We settle for the job we don’t want because we don’t believe we can land, or excel at the one we deserve. We put off adventure, travel, experiences because we don’t feel strong enough to do them on our own. When we don’t believe in our strength, we feel vulnerable and weak. We seek out other people or situations to make us feel “safe” and “secure,” but girl, the strength you seek is within. TIPS TO BUILD YOUR STRENGTH Start with a motto. Mottos are one of the most powerful, effective, and fastest ways to re-train your brain, change your beliefs, and re-write your story. If you are diligent and use them often, they will work magic. I’ve been teaching clients how to write and use effective mottos for years and am still constantly blown away at how effective they are at creating new outcomes and changing negative beliefs and behaviors. My favorite motto is the one I used when my ex-husband left. It literally changed who I am and how I view myself as a woman. Remember how I said that I felt weak, helpless, and incapable of rebuilding my life alone? Well, every time I felt that way, I began telling myself, “I can do it, I am strong.” I would say it over, and over, and over, until I felt stronger in that moment. I said it so much that before long, I began to believe I was strong. The stronger I felt, the more confident I became, and the more capable I was at dealing with all the new situations I found myself in as a single mom. How to write an effective motto: 1. Identify the “thing” (fear, feeling, belief etc.) you want to change. The clearer you are at naming the exact “thing” the better. 2. Then answer the question, what is the NEW outcome I want? Hint: it should be the opposite as your current fear or belief. This is SUPPER important. You must identify the outcome you WANT in order to get it. Example: In the example above, I felt weak and incapable. So, the motto “I can do it, I am strong,” was the antidote to that feeling or belief. It created an outcome that did not exist before, one in which I was strong and capable. It did this first through words alone, then over time those words changed my belief, which changed my actions, which changed my outcomes. Get it? The genesis of all change starts in our mind, starts with what we tell ourselves. There are endless scientific studies on how the brain can turn a lie into truth through repetition, and we normally think of this in negative ways, like how pathological liars use can’t tell the difference between “their truth” and a lie. But we can use that same brain pathway to create new, positive outcomes for ourselves by rapidity telling ourselves the outcomes we want, as if they were true, long before they actually are. That’s why a good motto is so effective, it’s convincing your brain that a new outcome is possible. Silence the doubt. The more time and energy you give to the voice in your head that says, “you can’t,” the weaker you will feel. Good news alert, you can control that voice! You don’t have to listen to it anymore. Start replacing it with “I am capable. I can do it.” Stop looking for all the reasons why it’s “too hard,” and start trusting your instinctual ability to do more, be more, and achieve more than you’ve ever imagined possible. Test your strength, be brave. The best way to begin understanding your strength is to do something you previously thought was impossible. And trust me, it’s way better to electively test your strength than to be forced by the explosion of your entire life! There are all kinds of ways to do this effectively. Scared of heights? Push those limits by taking a cliff hike, a hot air balloon ride, eating in a sky view restaurant, or walking across the foot path of the tallest bridge in your city. Think you can’t make it through a spin class? Take one and see. Think you could never travel alone? Take yourself out to dinner in your city, and prove you are brave, then take a solo trip to the nearest big city. In other words, all those things you’ve been putting off, or have been afraid to try, or think you could never do… do them. You will see how truly capable and strong you are. And if you REALLY wanna prove what a badass you are, run a marathon! That was my ultimate test. I’m not a runner, and that was the one thing I honestly believed was impossible, for me. But I did it. And let me tell you, after running for 7-hours on a 90-degree day, there was zero doubt in my mind that I was one strong-ass bitch! And yes, I get that most people finish in under three hours…and yes, I crossed the finish line as the clean-up crew was breaking it down, but hey, I proved my point, to myself. Let your instincts kick in. I truly believe that in the core of every woman is all the strength they will ever need to get through anything. It’s just part of what makes us so freakin’ amazing. We are worriers and strength is in our DNA. It’s our instinct to feed our children, to take care of the ones we love, to find food and shelter if stranded on a deserted island, so start listening to it. Start acting on those instincts. Trust that when you need it, your secret power will rise up and get you through anything. This is one of the lessons in my new book All the Things I Wish I Knew, along with 80 other lessons, advice, and tools to help women create their dream life. Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

  • Parenting Tips from The Supernanny, Jo Frost with Sarah Centrella

    Welcome back to The Sarah Centrella Show! SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Audible or anywhere you get your podcast. Today we are getting parenting tips from The Supernanny herself, Jo Frost! Ok, I'll be honest, I am FREAKING OUT right now over this interview! This woman needs no introduction, she's the star of six international TV shows, the author of six books and the changer of families across the globe! She is none other than Jo Frost The Supernanny! This show is very personal for me, because I started watching the Supernanny with Jo Frost on ABC when it first aired in 2005 when my son Kanen was just two years old. I learned pretty much everything I know about parenting from watching that show, and it saved my life, especially in the early days of being a single mom. Since then, I've been referring clients to her videos and sharing her techniques with moms for years. She IS the guide to parenting and her methods WORK! I encourage you to go watch her show Supernanny, streaming on Hulu, Youtube, ABC and her new season on Lifetime. Here are just a few of the staples of my parenting that I learned from watching it over the years: The Supernanny's Parenting Tips from Jo Frost Consistent, fair, firm, and loving discipline (search up "the knotty spot") Sleep training for babies and young kids Schedule and routine Positive reinforcement The importance of PLAYING with your kids Chores and responsibilities for kids Bedtime routine How to be present with your kids and so much more! You can watch full episodes on specific topics on Youtube PLEASE share this episode with every parent you know, and especially every single mom, moms need to know there is help for whatever they are going through with their kids. There are tools that are simple and effective and LIFE CHANGING for you and your kids! Follow Jo on Insta @jofrost and let us know what you thought about todays show on my post on Instagram @sarahcentrella Check out my entire section on parenting in my new book All the Things I Wish I Knew, with chapters of practical advice. *ENTER MY WEEKLY GIVEAWAY* Your feedback counts and I wanna encourage and reward it! How to enter: Go to my Instagram @sarahcentrella 1. Turn on my post notifications. 2. Comment on the new posts in my feed, each comment is an entry! Winners are drawn from those comments every Friday and announced in my IG story. And or SHARE the podcast and tag me, that's an additional way to enter, all comments and shares are an entry! About your host: Sarah Centrella is the best-selling author of several self-help books. She is a master life coach, manifesting expert, and motivational speaker, and Founder of VIVIAMO

  • How to be Relentless When Chasing Your Dreams

    Here’s what you need to know about success… you've gotta be RELENTLESS. How to be Relentless When Chasing Your Dreams. People who are successful at achieving their goals and dreams, spend their time and energy focusing on the various ways they can achieve their desired result. THAT is where their energy goes. It does not go to thinking about all the ways they could fail. When thoughts of failure come up, they beat them back with more thoughts of DETERMINATION, they remind themselves what they want and why, and they keep trying no matter what. They don’t have backup plans. They put all their eggs in one basket and they (sometimes blindly), boldly, fight through the unknown. That is the only way you build relentless pursuit. When I think of relentless pursuit, I think of a ballerina, I think of the endless and painful hours of consistent practice on bruised and battered feet. I think of YEARS of showing up and DOING THE THING, to get the result the ballerina desires. They come back after horrific days that feel like a failure, and they come back after the performance of a lifetime. They keep coming back to get closer to their goals, no matter what. That is relentlessness. The only way you become relentless is by focusing on your dream outcome, taking daily action toward it, and NOT thinking about the worst-case scenario or your current reality. When you think about your dreams, what thoughts do you foster? Do you allow space for doubt? Do you make room for indecision? Do you tell yourself, “If this doesn’t work, I could always try something else?” Or are you ALLLLLL IN? People who go 200% in are the 1% successful. People who go half-in, get half-assed, unsatisfying results. Which one are you? Don’t wait to feel this confident and this relentless BEFORE you start, remember the ONLY way to get to that point is to build it slowly through focus, vision, visualization, desire, and action. Put in the work and the relentlessness will build on its own. And why do you need to be relentless? Because it will put you on near autopilot, and make you nearly bulletproof, against obstacles disappointment, and adversity, and wouldn’t want that added layer of support? Get after it today!!! The ballerina is in relentless pursuit of a dream moment like this, that will NEVER come if she stops showing up consistently to do the work in practice. Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO, and podcast host.

  • VIVIAMO, a Dream Come True

    VIVIAMO, a Dream Come True. This is a BIG DEAL. This is the post I’ve dreamed of sharing for a very long time… In 2017 I was laid off from my corporate sales job just days after closing the biggest deal of my career. I was shocked, to say the least. I remember driving home that day in stunned anger, PROMISING myself I'd never again work for anyone but myself. I’d never put my family in the terrifying position where someone could take away our livelihood on a whim. That day I started my company with no money, no income, no idea what I was doing, and no support system. I'll be honest, it was the hardest thing I've ever done. There were many months when I didn’t know if I could pay the rent. Many, many days of fear and frustration. I tried every idea that came to me, and took every opportunity no matter how small. I Googled, I made websites, and courses, and programs, I created membership circles, I did it all, having no idea what I was doing, and doing it all ALONE. There were many nights I just wanted to quit, give up on my dream, and go back to corporate, get a good paycheck, and have health insurance. But then I'd go look at my #futureboard and stare at the pictures of my dream company, the one I envisioned from the start. I dreamed of building a personal development company that would have a team of experts, people smarter and better than me in each of their given fields, and together we'd build a global powerhouse. My dream imagined the company in a corporate structure, with coaches teaching my methods to thousands of people and changing lives every day. I knew my company would be mostly women, and I knew one day it would change the world and the lives of not only myself, and my children, but everyone involved too. That HUGE vision is what refused to let me quit. Each time I faced another setback, failed at something or was disappointed, that vision slapped me around and said, "Sarah, get your ass back up and keep going after it." Well, today is FINALLY that day! I am THRILLED to announce the founding advisory board of my new corporate coaching startup, VIVIAMO. These are the best of the best, and I feel so humbled, grateful, and blessed that they have seen this vision and are as passionate as I am about bringing it to corporate America. It’s amazing what can happen when you REFUSE to give up! I've names my company VIVIAMO which means "let's live" in Italian, I think that sums up everything about what I believe in!

  • The Road to Making Profit with Hala Taha Host of Young and Profiting

    Welcome back to The Sarah Centrella Show! SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Audible or anywhere you get your podcast. The Road to Making Profit with Hala Taha host of Young and Profiting podcast. I am excited for today's show because we are digging into the road to making profit, what does it take for your idea to be profitable? It's one thing to have a dream, it's a whole other thing to get paid well for living it! And believe me when I say, the road to profit is not a direct path! It's a journey, so if you are just starting, or are in the middle of yours, take heart, you are not alone. Hala Taha is the host of Young and Profiting, CEO of YAP Media. She is frequently ranked as a #1 Education podcast across all apps. Hala is also the CEO of YAP Media, a full-service social media and podcast marketing agency for top podcasters, celebrities and CEOs generating over $2M in revenue in its first year. She is well-known for her engaged following and influence on Linkedin, and she landed the January 2021 cover of Podcast Magazine. Hala started her career in radio production while in college at HOT97 on “The Angie Martinez Show.” Later, she launched an entertainment news blog site, “The Sorority of Hip Hop,” where she led an all-female team of 50 bloggers. Together they ran the popular site, interviewed celebrities, produced radio shows, hosted parties/concerts, and nearly snagged a reality TV show on MTV! Follow Hala's journey on Insta @yapwithhala *ENTER MY WEEKLY GIVEAWAY* Your feedback counts and I wanna encourage and reward it! How to enter: Go to my Instagram @sarahcentrella 1. Turn on my post notifications. 2. Comment on the new posts in my feed, each comment is an entry! Winners are drawn from those comments every Friday and announced in my IG story. And or SHARE the podcast and tag me, that's an additional way to enter, all comments and shares are an entry! About your host: Sarah Centrella is the best-selling author of several self-help books. She is a master life coach, manifesting expert, and motivational speaker, and Founder of VIVIAMO

  • Soaking in Positivity with Laura Widney, Sound Frequency

    Welcome back to The Sarah Centrella Show! SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Audible or anywhere you get your podcast. Soaking in Positivity with Laura Widney, Sound Frequency. Today I'm talking with the founder and CIO of Soaak Laura Widney. As you know by now, I am all about brain training for positivity and mental strength, as I believe it's directly connected to manifesting our desired outcomes, so of course I wanted to hear all about Sound Frequency and how it can help train our subconscious. Laura shares her immense knowledge about how and why sound frequency can enhance our mood, and mindset, manifesting and cleansing our energy. I loved this discussion on how to train our minds to get the outcomes we want! Follow on IG @dailysoaak CLICK HERE to sign up for the membership we talked about and use our special CODE: HBRSOAAK *ENTER MY WEEKLY GIVEAWAY* Your feedback counts and I wanna encourage and reward it! How to enter: Go to my Instagram @sarahcentrella 1. Turn on my post notifications. 2. Comment on the new posts in my feed, each comment is an entry! Winners are drawn from those comments every Friday and announced in my IG story. And or SHARE the podcast and tag me, that's an additional way to enter, all comments and shares are an entry! Ready to take your life, career, goals, and yourself to the next level? Check out my life coaching options or take my online life coaching courses to get the results you DESERVE! Sarah Centrella is a #1 best-selling author of several self-help books, a motivational keynote speaker, master life coach, Founder of VIVIAMO and podcast host.

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